Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Discussing Literature and Government CA - 1290 Words

Course Activity Semester A Discussing Literature and Government This activity will help you meet these educational goals: Common Core State Standards—You will initiate and participate effectively in a collaborative discussion (SL.1). Introduction In this course activity, you will participate in a peer discussion about how literary or other artistic pursuits and governmental, religious, political, or social structures affect one another. Afterward, you will summarize the discussion and how it helped shape your thinking about your original ideas. __________________________________________________________________________ Directions and Analysis Task: Peer Discussion and Summary Your Discussion Process For this task, you’ll need to†¦show more content†¦You might also incorporate current issues around public displays of visual art or the advantages and disadvantages of government-supported art. You could choose to explore whether (or how directly) cultural history changes the shape of literature or other forms of artistic expression, orShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review : Parental Involvement984 Words   |  4 PagesLiterature Review Parental Involvement. During the middle school years there are developmental changes happening in an adolescent’s life. This growth include both biological and cognitive, as well as social development (Nancy Hill, 2009). Compared to elementary school the developmental growth in middle school has higher levels of significant change as a result to the bureaucratic system (Hill Chao, 2009). Studies have shown that during this essential time period in a youth’s education experienceRead MoreEssay on Ted Bundy Psychobiography1363 Words   |  6 Pagespoint to prove Brooks wrong about him and he began to excel at his education as well as pursuing extra curricular government opportunities. In the process he met another woman and began a relationship with her, soon after Brooks came back into his life and he began a relationship with her. Bundy carried on the two relationships never letting them know about each other and even discussing marriage with Brooks until 1974 when he abruptly ended the rela tionship,. This behaviour in relationships demonstratedRead MoreMexacan Immigration before the 1960s1675 Words   |  7 Pagesareas will be explaining the mistreatment that Mexicans encountered because of the nature of policy enactments by 1960s. In addition, this paper will be discussing how members of other minority â€Å"out-groups† found it difficult to obtain government services because of Mexican immigration. All of these key points will be supported by relevant literature and reports. I will also illustrate some concrete examples in order to understand the consequences of Mexican immigration in its severity. Overall, thisRead MoreEvaluation Research Design Literature19283 Words   |  78 Pages253 Chapter 6 Evaluation Research Design: Literature Reviews Synthesis Frequently a research question or hypothesis can be answered through secondary research, i.e., a literature review or synthesis. Both strategies requires the researcher to mine existing data sources; ―pull outâ€â€" relevant data or information; summarize it; logically analyze and/or statistically treat it; and report results. In many instances, the issue, problem, question, etc. which prompted the idea for an evaluation study isRead MoreAsse sing the Effectiveness of Computerized Accounting System10736 Words   |  43 Pagesaimed at assessing the effectiveness of computerized accounting systems in organizations (the general objective of the study). It employed a case study design and Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs was chosen as the case of the study. Various literatures were consulted to get the theoretical and empirical thoughts of stupendous authors about the topic under study to help the researcher craft and refine her methodology. Questionnaires, documentation and interviews were the key methods of dataRead MoreDomestic Violence Essay2404 Words   |  10 Pagesstatus, which would argue that social structure plays a big part in the likelihood of violent behavior in the home. This essay will examine the extent in which femininity contributes to ways in which women experience domestic violence. Before discussing domestic violence in further detail, it is important to define the behavior. In 2012 the deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg announced a new definition of domestic violence, one that extends to those aged 16-17 ‘Any incident or pattern of incidentsRead MoreConceptual Framework And Literature Review8059 Words   |  33 PagesCHAPTER TWO CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Literature Review The aim of this literature review is to examine the complexities of the theoretical discussion on the concepts and empirical research works on urban development, peripheral development and metropolitan expansion in order to find a theoretical place within the broader concept of urban growth effect on infrastructural development of peripheral settlements. In an attempt to strike a balance between the growth of cities andRead MoreLanguage as a Social Construction of Reality.4593 Words   |  19 Pagesthinking and discussion on the power of language and its relationship to social reality. A group activity is used to introduce students to euphemisms. I=ll discuss theoretical and teaching literature on language as well as euphemisms first, and return to the actual procedure later. 61 THEORETICAL LITERATURE The social construction of reality refers to the processes humans use to actively create and shape the world through social interaction (Berger and Luckmann 1967). Newman (1995:48) describesRead MoreService Members’ Transition to Community College Essay2556 Words   |  11 Pagesthis unique population. In doing so, institutions must take into consideration the unique challenges returning veterans face when acclimating not only to an academic setting but to daily civilian life following military enlistment. The review of literature used in the support of this study will focus on three formative issues veterans and military personnel face as they transition to academia: transition, the military student, and the community college setting. Transitioning to Academia A transitionRead MoreAssignments for International Business Management2924 Words   |  12 Pageschallenges, identify bottle necks and market niches in the Netherlands. In this context, you can think of: national and EU environment laws, taxes and duties, the perception of the target group of a car as cheap as the Nano, effects on the price of government measures (like BPM) etc. Also, consider what marketing strategy might work in the Netherlands. Advise the Tata Board of Directors on a strategy to be implemented in their penetration of the Dutch market. Assignment 2: The Dam/dyke building case

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My Perception Of The Pearl Columbia s School House

Document One: My perception of the â€Å"Miss Columbia’s School House† is that the kids outside the gate mean Hawaii of course and the lady inside course means Canada. As by what I see a Irishman man in the corner beating up a Chinese, and what it looks to be a French man pushing a Indian of the swings. I also see a man carrying a flag saying â€Å"Socialism† I feel that all the things I described means that the school yard means America. By saying that in 1893 U.S took over Queen Liliuokalani and offered themselves the annexation of the Hawaii islands. As is it was important for the U.S to annex the Hawaiian Islands as they wanted to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands of Japan and also US wanting it for naval operations. Document Two: Aguinaldo criticizes America’s policies as America’s imperialistic effort to deny Philippines independence. In 1898 the U.S helped the Philippines gain their independence from Spain and they succeeded as Spain surrendered. His idea was to let the U.S know that he will fight for the Philippines real independence as U.S didn’t really let the Filipinos have their say on how they wanted to do things. He also brings up how the U.S government ignored all their promises and ignored the Filipinos rights and treated them as if they were an enemy. He then mentions how the U.S where governed by the British government and how they rebelled from it and the U.S succeeded to govern themselves. And he asks that the Filipinos get the same opportunity toShow MoreRelatedDubais Political and Economic Development: Essay38738 Words   |  155 Pagesexpatriate group and make up $4.5 percent of the private sector according to official statistic^.^ ~ o sof these people perform menial jobs in the service and t construction industriese3Expatriate Arabs form another 9.4 percent of the citys s.~ workforce and the remaining 1.9 percent are ~ u r o ~ e a nThe reason that so many foreign workers have flocked to Dubai is quite simple - to make money. Although lowpaying jobs hammering steel and cleaning floors may not sound very appealing, theyRead MoreArt as an Embodied Imagination22095 Words   |  89 Pagesied ImJournal of Consumer Research, Inc. Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience Author(s): Annamma  Joy and John  F.  Sherry, Jr. Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 30, No. 2 (September 2003), pp. 259-282 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/376802 . Accessed: 22/10/2012 06:18 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms ConditionsRead MoreArt as an Embodied Imagination22095 Words   |  89 Pagesied ImJournal of Consumer Research, Inc. Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience Author(s): Annamma  Joy and John  F.  Sherry, Jr. Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 30, No. 2 (September 2003), pp. 259-282 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/376802 . Accessed: 22/10/2012 06:18 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms ConditionsRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreEudora Welty a Worn Path12166 Words   |  49 PagesAndrews Welty. Her father was an insurance company president. She attended Mississippi State College for Women for a year and graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1929 with a major in Englis h literature. She also attended the Columbia University Graduate School of Business where she studied advertising. After graduation, the Great Depression hampered her ability to find a job in her chosen field, so she worked as a part−time journalist and copywriter at newspapers and radio stations near herRead MoreEudora Welty a Worn Path12173 Words   |  49 PagesAndrews Welty. Her father was an insurance company president. She attended Mississippi State College for Women for a year and graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1929 with a major in English literature. She also attended the Columbia University Graduate School of Business where she studied advertising. After graduation, the Great Depression hampered her ability to find a job in her chosen field, so she worked as a part−time journalist and copywriter at newspapers and radio stations near herRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 PagesCanada 118 Riverview Children s Hospital 1 24 The Evolution of Project Management at Quixtar 145 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CULTURES 151 Como Tool and Die (A) 153 Como Tool and Die (B) 157 Apache Metals, Inc. 160 Haller Specialty Manufacturing 162 The NF3 Project: Managing Cultural Differences 163 An International Project Manager s Day (A) 172 An International Project Manager s Day (B) (see handout provided by instructor) An International Project Manager s Day (C) (see handout provided byRead MoreTop 1 Cause for Project Failure65023 Words   |  261 PagesFeatured discussion In your experience, what is the TOP #1 cause for Project failure? From experience, the following are the TOP10 causes of Project failure that Mathew can think of (they are not in any kind of order): #1. Lacking Sponsor s Involvement/Ownership #2. Halo Effect (Wrong Man for the Job) #3. Poor HR Management #4. Poor/Inadequate Project Communications #5. Ignoring Project Stakeholders #6. Absence of Risk Management #7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations ( scope creep:Read MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words   |  163 Pages-Identifying Values: What is at Stake? (What are we trying to protect) -Territory -Traditional views of national security center around defending territory -Protecting homeland not a major concern until after WWII due to physical isolation -Pearl Harbor attack changed national opinion - protecting homeland now major concern -US became aggressive in defense of homeland after WWII by extending defensive perimeters through the creation of alliances (UN, NATO, Rio Treaty) -Forces -BeforeRead MoreWalmart vs Carrefour26545 Words   |  107 PagesBy Yue, LIU September 2007 Acknowledgements I appreciate my dissertation supervisor Dr Wang, for his continuous patience, support, guidance and constructive comment throughout the period of my dissertation. I would like to thank the professors and lectures from whom I learned a lot throughout my master year. I also would like to show my gratitude to Nottingham University Business School that provided this value chance for my postgraduate studies as well as the chance to conduct this research

Friday, May 15, 2020

Analysis Of The Fiction Alice s Wonderland - 884 Words

1. The genre of â€Å"Alice in Wonderland† was originally classified as fiction. It is now classified as children’s fiction and fantasy. 2. Exposition: The exposition of the story is when Alice was sitting with her sister on a hot summer day. She saw a rabbit go into a hole and followed it. She found herself in a room with many doors. She found a key and was able to shrink to go through small doors. She could also grow to a larger size when she needed. Rising Action: The rising action of â€Å"Alice in Wonderland† is when Alice followed the rabbit into the rabbit hole. She found herself in a wonder world. Climax: The climax of this story is when Alice entered the garden. She discovered that by eating or drinking certain things she could control her size. This made it possible for her to enter the garden. Falling Action: When Alice realized that Wonderland was not real, she awoke herself from the dream by knocking over the playing card court. Denouement: After Alice awoke and told her sister about her dream, Alice’s sister imagined herself in Wonderland. She thought of all the wonderful things Alice had seen in her dream. The dream seemed so wonderful, but she knew it was only a dream. It was not reality. She also knew that some day she and Alice would be grown women with children of their own. They would share their children’s dreams. 3. The protagonist in â€Å"Alice in Wonderland† is Alice. The story is about her dream of adventures she had after falling into a rabbit hole. TheShow MoreRelatedAlice, Food, And Inner Desires1217 Words   |  5 PagesAlice, Food, and Inner Desires Lewis Carroll’s whimsical journey into Wonderland has created a fantasy worlds full of mystery and depth. In this essay I will discuss the links between the consumption of food and the underlying desires behind consuming. In this essay I will argue that food is used as a transformative device to enable Alice to voluntarily explore and involuntarily supress her inner desires. Within the Lewis Carroll texts, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking GlassRead MoreEssay on Lewis Carrolls Alice Adventures in Wonderland3126 Words   |  13 Pagesstory. There is also a sense of the feelings of loneliness. Alice is the only one that seems upset about the unfairness of the situation, especially when she grows back to her full size and everyone turns on her. This shows the separation she has from the other characters in terms of their state of mind. This is also where another aspect of the dream logic comes into play. Alice becomes the center of attention during the trial. When Alice grows back to her normal size, she draws all the attentionRead MoreThe Fantastic Author Of The World s Most Wonderful Children2290 Words   |  10 PagesIn order to continue his work at Christ Church, Dodgson had to take deacon s orders and pursue a religious life (Tyle). Although, Dodgson struggled with a terrible stammer that hindered his abilities to preach and instruct his pupils (Heath). Nonetheless, Dodgson followed through with his commitments and never married (Waggoner). Additionally, he spent an abundant amount of time with the Head of the Church’s daughter, Alice Liddell and her sisters (Heath). Carroll was noted to have an interestingRead MoreAnalysis Of Orson Scott Card s The Great Pattern 1676 Words   |  7 Pagesdetermining whether the focus of aspiring writers should be imitating Fielding’s ‘writers of antiquity’, embracing the ‘great pattern’, or on more recent works. For the purpose of this analysis I will be considering works written within the last twenty years ‘recent’, whilst analysing what writers gain, or lose, from fiction written longer ago. Some themes in literature are forever relevant to the human condition. George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four projects an ‘image of totalitarian societies whichRead MoreEssay about The Works of E. B. White1540 Words   |  7 PagesSoon after, he was offered a job. According to S. Ward, his writing helped make The New Yorker a success. White’s most important literary influence was Henry David Thoreau, the author of Walden: Or, Life In The Woods and it was the only book that White cared about owning (Bill Delaney). According to Delaney, Thoreau’s subtle humor and individualistic philosophy has influenced White and it can be seen through his writing, including his short fiction. Delaney also said that White never lost his senseRead More Erica Carter - Young Women and their Relationship to Consumerism4438 Words   |  18 Pagesvariable for the construction of consumer groups. She takes the youth subculture theorists to task for not recognizing this. In this case, she focuses on the female consumer in post-war (West) Germany (Gray and McGuigan, 1997, p. 92). Alice in the Consumer Wonderland 1. introduction Since the 1970s, theorists of youth subcultures in Britain have appropriated the notion of style from marketers of teenage fashion commodities to study oppositional subcultures in the post-war period. Many analystsRead MorePoems with Theme with Life and Death and Their Analysis8446 Words   |  34 PagesEI WAI KHAING AN ANALYSIS OF THEMES ON LIFE AND DEATH OF SOME POEMS Abstract: Some basic elements of poem and types of poem are included in this paper. Although there are countless number of poems on Life and Death, only the ones which seem noteworthy are studied and analysed in terms of themes. Different opinions of different poets on life and death found in their poems are also presented and contrasted in this paper. This paperRead More Lacanian Psychoanalytic Criticism in Harry Potter Essay4053 Words   |  17 Pagesto a position of only secondary importance in the critic’s glossary of â€Å"good literature.† On top of that, psychoanalytic criticism, as it is applied to children’s literature, seems to have taken on a startlingly simplistic, static approach to the analysis of the text, that does very little justice to the diversity and complexity that the field possesses. (132-133) Why is it that children’s literature has been cast aside in the eye of the critic? What prevailing modes of thought have caused it toRead MoreModifying the Story Summer Solstice Through the Screenplay Tatarin4949 Words   |  20 PagesModifying the Story Summer Solstice through the Screenplay Entitled â€Å"Tatarin† A Partial Thesis Presented To Mrs. Evelyn S. Agato In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject RD 100 - Research Design Leader Divine Angeline Leaà ±o Members Erinn Chua Jan Erik Miras Jamie Robertson San Juan Clarissa Tan Cherryl Tolentino October 2011 Department of Media Studies College of Arts and Sciences Trinity University of Asia Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to come up with a clearRead MoreShortening of Words and Their Features9064 Words   |  37 PagesRussian and Uzbek lexicologists as A.I. Smirnitsky, B.A. Ilyish, N. Buranov, V.V. Vinogradov, O. Jespersen and some others. If we say about the methods of scientific approaches used in our work we can mention that the method of typological analysis was used. The novelty of the work is concluded in including the language of charts to one of the chapter of the course paper. The general structure of our course paper looks as follows: The work is composed onto three major parts:

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Vs. Theory Of Mind - 1826 Words

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs. Theory of Mind: A Focus on Anxiety Reduction in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Adolescence is a crucial time when children begin to figure themselves out and what they want to do with their lives, all the while being introduced to higher level responsibilities. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can heavily impair this process and make the transition from child to teenager increasingly difficult, especially if they are also diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), a common add-on to ASD. According to Approximately 44% of children and adolescents with ASD is effected by anxiety (as cited in Van Steensel, Bogels, Perrin, 2011). As of this time, not much research has been done as to what best†¦show more content†¦The purpose of this paper is to compare two popular cognitive interventions, CBT and ToM, and determine which practice yields more effective results in anxiety reduction among adolescents with ASD. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Studies Wood et al. (2014) studied a sample size of 33 adolescents aged 11 to 15 years old who met the diagnostic criteria of having ASD. Participants were organized via a randomized-controlled trial through a computer randomization program, and was divided into two categories: Immediate Treatment or Waitlist. 16 sessions of a modified version of the Behavioral Interventions for Anxiety in Children with Autism (BIACA) were implemented in the Intermediate treatment category (Wood et al., 2015, p.1), which is a module that incorporates core elements of CBT skills (Wood et al., 2015, p.6). The purpose of the BIACA is to â€Å"emphasize key skills for positive social behavior skills and developmentally appropriate get-togethers that can be used in real-world settings† (Wood et al., 2015, p.6). The specific CBT modules included basic coping skills, behavioral activation, cognitive restructuring, in vivo exposure, parent-guided home-based exposure, as well as reward systems designed to address comorbid anxiety issues present in ASD (Wood et al., 2015, p.6). Examples of

The Cost Of Health Care - 1291 Words

The Cost of Health Care The nation health care system is facing significant challenges that requiring immediate major reforms. Lately close attention is drawn to the uninsured Americans, such as the most painful dilemmas of health care system. The problem of uninsured and uncompensated care continues significantly contribute to the rise of the health care cost and has been a chief topic for public debates and political campaigns for a long time. The purpose of this paper is to describe the current extent of uninsured care and provide the strategies from the nursing point of view how to change the trajectory of this prevalent issue in the USA health care system. Uncompensated care in the U.S Before the 1960s, the health care for people with low-income primarily was the responsibility of local governments, that â€Å"received support from the Hill-Burton hospital construction program contingent upon a responsibility to provide uncompensated charity care† (Warner, D., 2011). Medicare, Medicaid, community health centers, migrant health centers all were delivering federals funding to the financing the patient care. Furthermore, â€Å"the nonprofit hospitals had an obligation to provide charity care as well† (Warner, D., 2011). However, the increase in immigration during 1970-1980s significantly increase demand for additional funding for uninsured population. Multiple new programs were implementing to accommodate the needs and provide adequate health care coverage for the populationShow MoreRelatedThe Cost Of Health Care1480 Words   |  6 PagesThe cost of health explains almost half of the budgets of the state from financing the Medicaid program to providi ng health care for the employees of the state and other less qualified population like the prisoners (Vanderbeaux, 2014). In America, thousands upon thousands of decisions concerning health care are made by State legislatures every year (Vanderbeaux, 2014). Some of those decisions involve how best to provide appropriate care more efficiently, and deciding on what age group of patientsRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care Essay1325 Words   |  6 PagesThe Cost of Healthcare Introduction â€Å"The biggest problem with health care is not with insurance or politics. It is that we are measuring the wrong things the wrong way† (Kaplan Porter, 2011, p. 46). Total healthcare expenditures and expenditures as a percentage of GDP have been considerably higher in the U.S. Hospital care, physician and clinical services, and drug prescription expenditures have been the principal components contributing to growth in healthcare expenditures in the U.S. comparedRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care899 Words   |  4 PagesHealth care cost is defined in three meanings. One is price which consist of physician’s bill, prescription bill, premiums. Second one is national perspective means how much a nation spends on health care that is health care expenditure and the last one is provider perspective which is cost of production. Reasons to control costs: †¢ Health care consumes a greater percent of the total economic output †¢ Resources are limited †¢ Other economic uses are curtailed †¢ Limited resources should be directedRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care1378 Words   |  6 PagesWhen you think about health care cost and what was done in the past to help people who could not afford it to be able to get coverage now. Many people will not be able to afford to get the mandatory coverage and if they do, they will not be able to afford to see the physician or take the medication that they needed. Some of the plans worked and others helped for short periods. With other countries, finding ways to make it work for them and stakeholders more worried in the U.S.A. over their assetsRead MoreHealth Care Costs1190 Words   |  5 PagesHealth Care Costs Health care costs have become a major issue in the United States, both socially and politically. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 50.7 million people, or nearly one in six U.S. residents, were uninsured in 2009 (Kaiser Health News, 2010).This is because the high cost of health care has driven the cost of insurance out of the reach of many Americans. Contributing factors to the continuing increase in the cost of health care are the generally unhealthy lifestyle practiced byRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care2167 Words   |  9 PagesTraditionally the American health care system relied heavily a repayment model referred to as fee-for-service which is described as a form of repayment that generates a greater emphasis on the volume of patients seen rather than healthy outcomes produced under a physician’s care. The fee-for-service repayment method poses multiple issues such as: duplicating services which in turn renders some of the services unnecessary, utilization of expensive technology because of the revenue generation ratherRead MoreThe Cost Of Health Care1829 Words   |  8 PagesHealth care costs currently exceed around twenty percent and continue to rise where other countries spend less of their funding on health care but have the same increasing trend. An aging population and the development of new treatments are caus e for some of the increase. Unrealistic incentives also contribute: third-party insurance companies and governments who reimburse for procedures performed rather than outcomes achieved, and patients bear little responsibility for the cost of the health careRead MoreRising Cost of Health Care1289 Words   |  6 PagesThe Rising Cost of Health Care: Effects on Access to Care The rising cost of health care is a trend that is negatively influencing access to health care. According to our course textbook, Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care, over 46 million Americans did not have health coverage in 2008, and 25 million American adults were underinsured (p. 124-125). For most people, this can be attributed to the high cost of premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. The purpose of this paper is to discussRead MoreEssay On Health Care Costs1333 Words   |  6 Pagesubiquitously known that US health care costs are ballooning, according to research hospital costs grew around 8 percent a year, on average, between 1978 and 2008. 8 percent might seem a small number but it was double the CPI (4 percent a year) which measures the overall price rises in the U.S. economy (Baumol, 6-7). Furthermore, 17% of United States’ GDP was spent on health care, this number exceeded every other country’s health care spending (Altman and Shactman, 235). T hese costs are attributed to aRead MoreEssay On Health Care Cost1270 Words   |  6 PagesThe everyday American is faced with the cost of health care which covers, treats, and prevents illness. Health care costs include and extend into vast areas such as; insurance, medication, procedures, co-pays, medical testing, and more. Currently, the United States is facing sky rocketing health costs, a decline in quality of services, and minimal access to quality and cost-efficient care. In the year 2015, the National Health Expenditure was roughly $3.2 trillion dollars, which equates to approximately

Abnormal Psychology for Alzheimer Disease and Vascula-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAbnormal Psychology for Alzheimer Disease and Vascula. Answer: Neurocognitive Disorder Due To Alzheimer's Disease In the neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimers disease the patients cognitive domains like learning and memory are impaired. There are two types of cognitive disorders like major and minor (Solomon et al., 2014). No cerebrovascular diseases can be found in the medical history. When the disorder is major the patients everyday activities are interfered. The decline in memory is gradually progressive. Generally the age of average people to get affected by this disease is 80 and men survive up to 4.2 years and women 5.7 years (Mentalhealth.com, 2017). Agnosia and Apraxia are common in the disease. Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder This is a neurocognitive disorder due to disruptions in brains blood supply (Elementsbehavioralhealth.com, 2017). The decline of the cognitive happens in fluctuating or stepwise course and there are improved stable period in between unlike the gradual progression neurocoginitive disorder due to Alzheimers disease. Generally grows in a rapid speed after a stroke. History of other cerebrovascular diseases can be found in the medical history. This disorder can be experienced in any age, however the severity increases after the age of 65 and common survival period is 4 years(Mentalhealth.com, 2017). According to Konrth et al, the treatment of Alzheimers disease sees promises in the ICHE Cholinesterase inhibitors drugs as the enzyme proves to be effective. In this drugs quaternary beta-carboline, huperzine, lycorine and aporphyrin alkaloids are used. These chemical groups are generally used in the clinical phase of Alzheimers diseases symptomatic treatment however the researchers are considering changed course and mechanism are being considered. The A oligomers in relationship with enzyme cholinesterase are the source with increased density and subsequesnt neuron disposition. In the conventional practice of treatment Galantamine or Physostigmine alkaloids are used. During the course of Alzheimers, the researchers have been investigating some natural alkaloids in order to identify the changes. Like Triterpene which is a steroidal alkaloid and promotes inhibition of non competitive type, benzylisoquinoline and aporphyrin are isoquinolines that are non competitive and beta carboline s are non competitive (Sun, Jin lin, 2012). On the other hand Huperzine alkaloids such as lycopodium and quinolizidine alkaloids promote inhibition of competitive nature, lycorine, galantamine, physostigmine, monoterpenes and indole alkaloidsa re competitive compounds (Len , Garcia Marco-Contelles, 2013).The authors claim that among so many competitive and non competitive compounds, the huperzine is selective, potent and reversible. This was successfully applied in organophosphate poisoning, myasthenia gravis and schizophrenia. The successful trail of Huperzine resulted in improved in short term memory. However its toxic effects have to be minimized in order to make it more effective. There are other issues related to Huperzine its limited ability to overcome blood brain barrier and it is highly selective. Further detail research and trial will enhance its possibility. According to McGuinnes et al, Allele APOE ?4 expresses the apolipoprotein E subtypes action which is highly potential to effectively link between NPs and A oligomers. GSK 3beta activities can also be increased by it and this can cause tau protein like hyperphosphorylation and NFTs are formed. This protein subtype statines is capable of reducing A plaque formation. This drug is significantly effective in the treatment of Alzheimers disease because of its lipid lowering power. This specialty of Statins makes it a multi target drug. In certain cases of dementia the researchers have found evidences that this subtype reduces systematic cholesterol. The brains cholesterol level can a;lso be controlled by the Statins mechanism which results in reduced NFTs. The physicians have been using Stanits in increased number after it showed positive results in the patients. The Alzheimers patients have been experiencing lower level of dementia after using this drug for a certain period. This drug has also shown signs of crossing the brain blood barrier in more successful manner that other drugs. The usage can also improve the CNS circulation Loci. Howver there are only limited investigations has been observed dutring the course of Alzheimers which successfully makes it the most effective prevetion. Above that if it is applied for a continuous lng period to te Alzheimers patients , it might shows hepatic impairment. The Rhabdomyolysis risk can be increased as well and there are laso safety issues assoviated with the use of Statins. The researchers have conducted a meta analysis and nineteen observational studies to determine the drugs longitudinal and cross sectional actions. The cross sectional observation demonstrates that Statins are really eff ective drugs. The results have also highlighted that Statins is capable of reducing various forms of dementia among Alzheimers disease patients. Feng and Wang (2012) researchers have found that during the course of Alzheimers disease, the oxidative stress causes serious problems for the victims and increases the severity. The NFT or NP progression and increased inflammatory process are enhanced by some glicidic, protein or lipid oxidation. This generally happens prior to pathophysiological treatment. This leads the researchers focus on the antioxidants as a potential preventive element in the Alzheimers disease. They investigated the antioxidant compounds that are capable of treating the preventing the Alzheimers disease. The antioxidant compounds are likely to resist Alzheimers pathophysiological course and hold that capability of reducing the ROS or reactive oxygen species. The a-tacopherol of the vitamin E has gain much attention among the researchers as an effective anti oxidant compound capable of bringing the desired successes. Over a period of 4 years during the treatment course of Alzheimers disease this vitamin E sub stance has shown the evident of lowering the development of Alzheimers. The multiple trials have shown the result between 2.5 and 4.0 fold. However, not many investigations have been done to measure its great potential to become an adjunct of the treatment. Selegiline is another drug that has shown positive sign in the treatment of Alzheimers. the behavior and mood of the Alzhiemers patients have been improved by this drug. This result has been concluded from evaluating by 12 researchers in 8 different trials. Another meta analysis related to the use of the Selegiline has shown that there is also an improvement in the victims memory. The antioxidant qualities and capability of increasing blood circulation of Ginkgo Biloba demonstrated significant result in the treatment of Alzheimers disease. This can also resist synapses reduction and can increase the neurotrophic production related to Alzheimers neuronal apoptosis. This is the reason that the drug is capable of improving the behav ioral qualities by reducing the A induction of the Alzheimers patients. However the researchers have also found that the drug is capable of causing several side effects during the application especially when used during the anticoagulation therapy. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Benefits of Cloud Computing On the Business-Samples for Students

Question: What is Cloud Computing and how it works. Answer: Introduction: With the advancement in the technology, many organisations are implementing the new technologies in their processes. One of those technologies is cloud computing. It is the technology that is being used by most of the organisations these days. Those technologies provide many benefits to the businesses. Not only the big companies but the small companies are making more use of cloud computing services. This is because big companies have their own IT infrastructure but small companies find it very costly to develop their own IT infrastructure (Mell and Grance, 2011). Development of cloud computing has also created a new era of competition amongst the businesses to build their network and enhance the businesses. Cloud computing has become a very popular idea and service. This is the project that discusses about the concept called cloud computing. The major focus of the project is to analyse the importance and benefits of cloud computing is business efficiency and productivity. This essay describes the overall functioning of cloud computing and it infrastructure. Project Objective: This project focus on the concept cloud computing. As far as the specificity of the objectives is considered, following are some of the objectives of cloud computing: What is cloud computing and how it works What are the benefits of cloud computing on the business efficiency and productivity? Project Scope: The scope of the project is to know about the level of involvement, cloud computing has in businesses. This report focuses on cloud computing and its impact on businesses. This helps the researchers to better understand the intensity of cloud computing involvement in the businesses these days. The scope of the research is so wide. Understanding the benefits of cloud computing in businesses help them to take better decisions in order to implement the cloud computing services in the organisations (Armbrust,et al. 2010). cloud computing Information technology is the field that is experiencing great development. The use of information technology tools has allowed the users to make many changes and development in every organisational process. In context of business, most of the organisations have also started using IT tools and services to conduct some of the activities at the workplace. Now, the time has come that each and every organisation is dependent on software and hardware for their functioning. Cloud computing is the term that is given to an online data base that acts as the storage device (Qian, et al. 2009). It provides one of the facilities to the companies or the user to use internet as the medium to store and save data and use the applications online. Traditionally, suing the business applications was very expensive and complicated in nature. Whole team of experts were required to install, configure and run those applications in the company. With the invention of cloud computing, these complicated activit ies have eliminated. Now the applications are not managed by the company itself but are on shared server which is managed by experienced vendors of clouds. Cloud based application are easy to use and thus user just enhance to make their account on the particular cloud to use the applications (Buyya, Yeo and Venugopal, 2008). Even the data can be stored at the cloud and it can be shared to anyone along with having secured connections. Cloud architecture: Figure 1 The architecture of cloud computing is very complicated and involves 4 layers. The first layer is the hardware that is also called ad datacentre layer, the infrastructure layer, platform layer and the last one is application layer. The hardware layer: It is the layer of physical resources such as clouds, servers, routers, switches, power etc. A data centre is the centre that includes many servers that are organised and interconnected with switches and other associated linking devices. The infrastructure layer: It is the layer that includes virtualisation technologies that is very important for the cloud applications to run (Zhang and Zhou, 2009). The platform layer: This is the layer that includes applications and operating system that act as the platform to run the applications on it. This layer is also very important as platform helps in supporting the applications by reducing their burden. The application layers: IT is the layer that is the most important one in the whole architecture as it includes all the application that needs to be run. All the layers of the cloud architecture are loosely coupled with each other and thus every layer has its equal importance (Foster, et al. 2008). Types of cloud computing infrastructure: Infrastructure as a Service: This is the type of cloud in which the third party allow the user to use some of the infrastructure such as hardware, software, servers, storage etc. Software as a Service: IT is the capability where the providers software is being used by other user that is running on the cloud interface. The interface can be web browser or any of the program interfaces. Platform as a Service: It is the facility where the user can deploy onto cloud infrastructure. In this, user can develop and run their application on the cloud and cloud acts as the platform. Cloud computing infrastructure: Cloud computing infrastructure can be built with different level of virtual technologies. There are different models of clouds such as private, public and hybrid cloud. Private clouds: It is the cloud that is used on private basis. This means that this type of cloud is being generated by the providers for the single client that can be installed at the client data centre or at the collocation where it can be used with the permission of the client (Zhang, Cheng and Boutaba, 2010). It is developed by the provider on the order basis or by the IT infrastructure of the company itself so that it can be installed for companys own use. The major benefit of using this cloud is that it can be controlled by the company and changes can be made easily. Public clouds: Public clouds are the clouds that are made for shared use. The providers develop such clouds and install the same on different location from the client site as there are many clients of the same cloud or server (Dong, et al. 2009). This helps in reducing cost for every customer. One more benefit of using this cloud is that it is easy to handle as third party is operating all the things. Sacking can also been done easily. Hybrid clouds: It is the type of cloud that is combination of both the above discussed clouds. It is the cloud that has the capacity to distribute the application to private as well as public basis. This cloud is beneficial as it serves the clients who want their personal cloud and also the clients who want to share the cloud with other users as well (Krutz and Vines, 2010). Cloud as an emerging utility in business: Cloud computing is the most popular facility that is being used by the business these days. This is because it provides easy access to various applications. The benefits of suing cloud computing as utility are: On demand services: On demand services are provided to the user on cloud. Customization is also the option available for them. The computing environment can be customized by the user according to their demands and cloud provides this to them. The clients or the customers provide their requirements to the cloud providers or developers and the n the providers work on the applications as per the clients need and requirements (Armbrust,et al. 2009). Ther are various requirements that are important to be installed at the time of making contracts between the user of the cloud and the seller of the cloud. Some of them are procurement, account management, service installation, payment and billing etc. all these things are mechanised in a way so that the process of running and installing the clouds at the clients space can be properly managed. Pay as you go: It is the service that can be paid according to its usage per minute. The user can pay according to the time the application of the server is used by the user rather than paying on monthly basis. This provides an ease for the customers as they do not have to pay on a monthly basis. Guaranteed quality: the environment or the services that are provided by clouds are guaranteed with the quality and serve the same quality that has been claimed at the time of agreement (Marston, et al. 2011). Quality provided to the customers is very high because the companies or the third party providers that are serving the clients with cloud services are specialised in this and have great IT infrastructure as compared to individual IT infrastructures of the companies. Accessibility: It is very easy access the cloud computing services as they are light in nature and can be installed very easily and has user friendly interface. Resource pooling: It is one of the major benefits of the services by clouds. The providers of the services allow the user to use the services on pooled or shared basis. Single service can be provided to multiple users at the same time (Truong, D., 2010). This concept of resource pooling is not dependent on the location of the server or the client. Pooling does not mean sharing the data but it is just about sharing the infrastructure or the software. The major benefit for using this resource pooling is cost. It decreases the cost for the user as more than one user is using the cloud at a time. The organisations selling the cloud services have to retain the buyers and thus have to provide the effective services to them. Forecasting is the very important factor that is required in cloud computing business. This is because over capacity if the cloud results in increasing of cist and under capacity of the cloud may results in losing the customers. Cloud computing in business: Cloud computing is the convergence of two types of information technology trends. The first trend is IT efficiency. The use of cloud computing services increases the power and the efficiency of computer system. The hardware and software of the computer system can be used in more efficient manner with the association of cloud computing services. The next trend is business agility. In this the IT tools can be used by the business or the companies for the purpose of business analytics, rapid deployment, batch processing etc. that increases the productivity of the company (Gupta, Seetharaman and Raj, 2013). As competition is increasing day by day thus it is very important to inculcate IT tools in the business functions so that the companies can withstand the market competition. The major goals of businesses these days are to earn more and more profits by putting minimal inputs. For this, many of the businesses turned their way to cloud computing. Cloud computing is a booming industry in the world and many companies are providing clouds computing applications and database to their customers. Some of the big names of this industry are Google, Amazon, IBM, Yahoo; Microsoft etc. each of the companies named here have different fields and thus provide different types of clouds to the customers (Avram, 2014). When cloud computing enters the business world, it has been analysed that rapid improvement is being observed in the way the business functions, interact with the customers, perform business activities etc. it has been analysed that most of the companies are using the facilities of clouds and perform all the activities on clouds (Armbrust, et al.2010). There are many benefits of using cloud computing in the business. It does not only increase the efficiency of the business but also increase the productivity of the same. Following are some the justification that describes that how cloud computing has its impact on efficiency and productivity of the business. Cost saving: cloud computing is the technique that is one of the most cost effective methods that can help in improving the IT infrastructure of the business. This is because it provides pay-as-you-go option in which the users can pay as per the usage of the service and not only monthly basis. This makes it very reasonable for the business to use cloud services. The company can have many other spending by using cloud computing such as purchase of hardware and software, spending on storage and networking, reduced operational cost. The major concern here is that use of cloud computing reduces the operational cost of the company and thus the per-unit cost of the company also reduced (Hofmann and Woods, 2010). This enhances the productivity of the company as well as allows the company to produce or provide the services in more efficient way to the end customers. It requires a great planning by the company. The company or the business becomes more efficient and implementing new things qui ckly and without much spending. Reliable: Using reliable services is very important to be efficient in operations and functioning of the business. Cloud computing is the service that is realised to be very reliable then the personal data centres. Traditionally most of the companies build their own data centres and function on the basis of those data centres. The major risk associated with using the personal datacentre is server load. The issue in the sever leads to high loss to the company thus using the servers that are available on clouds helps the company to eliminate such a risk prone activities to happen. Mobility: It is one of the benefits of using cloud computing and cloud application that there are mobile in nature. It is the most important characteristics of cloud computing that make the work at the business more efficient (Stanoevska-Slabeva, et al. 2009). This is because it is very easy to access the clouds on any of the devices. Staff can easily collaborate with each other and there are no boundations for workers to use the data at a particular point. The data can be accessed by any of the employee from anywhere in the world. Thus, unless the company spent a large amount of money on building a great IT infrastructure it cannot compete with the cloud provider services. Security: Security is another major reason why businesses are using cloud computing these days. It has been analysed that data that is uploaded on the servers of clouds are very much secured by the providers. When the data is stored on clouds, it can be accessed even when there is any issue in the system. There are many policies and procedures that are associated with the contract of having contracted of clouds with the providers thus cloud computing is much secured way (Kaufman, 2009). As the data always remains on server thus it can be deleted from every system which may be using the data for wrong means. Immediacy: It is the most important benefit of cloud computing. It has been analysed that the traditional applications of software used to take weeks or months to get installed and configured but the new applications of cloud computing can be installed in a day and can be used very easily (Hoberg, Wollersheim and Krcmar, 2012). It resolves the immediate issues of the company and thus the productivity of the company perform their tasks increases. Recovery and backup: when the data is stored o the cloud, it is comparatively very easy to restore the data rather than taking data from the physical device. Any physical harm to these devices can also rupture the data inside but clouds do not have such drawbacks. The case of data loss is also very less in case of cloud computing and storage rather than the physical storage devices. All the above discussed benefits of cloud computing in businesses provide efficiency and productivity of the company and its functions this is because all the data that has been traditionally stored in the hardware devices are now stored at the data centres which are safest place to store the same (Weinhardt,et al. 2009). The use of cloud computing has enhanced the efficiency of the businesses these days. Now, not only the big businesses but the small companies can also have access to higher technologies and also can have wider reach because of the tools of cloud computing. Earlier where only the big companies have the power to make their own infrastructure, now the small scale businesses use these clouds instead and can manage the things in their budget. Conclusion: It has been concluded from the report that advancement in technology is bringing change in many things from daily lives to business processes. Most of the businesses are using IT tools for the all the functions and the activities they perform as it is believed that IT tools helps in enhancing the productivity and efficiency of the organisations. Cloud computing is one of those services or facilities that is used by all. Cloud computing is the term that is given to an online data base that acts as the storage device. It provides one of the facilities to the companies or the user to use internet as the medium to store and save data and use the applications online. It is very beneficial to use clouds computing technology at the organisation. This is because implementing cloud computing at the workplace is very cheap as compared to the personal IT infrastructure. It has been realised that it provides the facility to aces the data easily and the data remained secured at the cloud data cen tres. 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